Operating Awards

The Yasme Plaque

The Yasme Trophy
The Yasme Foundation offers a beautiful plaque to anyone who submits proof showing contacts with 30 different call signs of YASME officers, directors and/or operations. For proof of 60 contacts, a trophy in the shape of the sailboat “Yasme” is awarded. Eligible call signs are listed on the Yasme Awards Call Sign Directory page.
There is no charge for Yasme Plaque or the Yasme Trophy Awards.
The awards are sent via UPS or FedEx, so please be sure to provide a shipping address for “ground delivery.” (NOTE: Ground delivery must be made to a street address, not to a PO Box.)
How to Apply
Award application should be made by letter to the Awards Manager:
Randy Wright, W6CUA
18432 Milmar Blvd.
Castro Valley, CA 94546 USA
For questions (not to apply) email the Awards Manager
The application must include:
- your name
- your call sign
- mailing address
- shipping address
- e-mail address
- a list of the stations contacted with dates and bands
- a GCR certification (see below)
GCR Rule: As a general principle, QSLs are not required to be included with the application. Following what is considered to be General Certifications Rules (GCR) is satisfactory: a list of the appropriate QSOs with a signed certification by an official of a national-level Amateur Radio Society or two officers of a local Amateur Radio Club stating that the valid QSLs are in possession of the applicant will be honored by Yasme. Logbook of the World, eQSL, and other electronic confirmations may be used instead of paper QSLs, provided the person(s) signing the certificate states that he/she has viewed the confirmations. This list should show the call sign, date, time, frequency, mode and signal report for each contact. Yasme reserves the right to inspect confirmations upon request and any decisions made by Yasme as to the validity of an application is final.
Only one confirmation on any band or mode may be submitted from a specific Yasme DXpedition or other valid call sign. There are no band or mode endorsements.
Confirming Contacts with Yasme Expeditions
If you have a personal log record which shows contact with a Yasme DXpedition (W6KG or W6QL operator) in our Yasme Awards Call Sign Directory, but you do not yet have a QSL card confirming that contact, you may request cards from our QSL Manager, N2OO by mail at:
Bob Schenck, N2OO
P.O. Box 345
Tuckerton, NJ 08087
Logs for Yasme expeditions by Lloyd and Iris Colvin are also listed on N2OO’s QRZ.com web page under “Yasme” along with a link to OQRS for electronic confirmations.
Contacts with other listed expeditions and operations may be confirmed through the listed operator or a QSL manager for that call sign.