Gordon J73GAR giving a license class to future Dominica hams Edward, Gilbert, Alpha, Anna.
Dominica hams in training - Hilkiah, Gilbert, Edward, Anna, and Alpha
Danny VP2VB and Don K5AAD
Danny, VP2VB, and Brad, W5ADZ
Danny, VP2VB, and Brad, W5ADZ
Danny VP2VB
Danny VP2VB
Lloyd 5U7QL and Alain 5U7NU November 1989
Members of the Ethiopian Amater Radio Association (EARA) (standing) demonstrate amateur radio to members of National Communications Authority (NCA) of South Sudan.
John NCA (left) and Negatu (ET3AA)
left to right
Seated - Jose, John NCA
Standing - W9XY, Negatu (ET3AA), K4ZW, Nahom (ET3AA)
ET3AA. Joe building receive loop
ET3AA operators. Joe standing, Nahom operating and Milkias